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Friday, March 27, 2015

Curandera/Curandero classes-free

Well, I finally have a bit of time to write something! If you are not familiar with Coursera, please go check it out as there are lots of classes to choose from and all are free. They charge for certificates but most of the ones I have looked at are optional.

The class I am very excited to be starting in 3 days is the Curanderismo one. Official information with link to coursera is here. 
What is curanderismo and can you  become one by taking an online class?
Curanderismo is traditional Mexican folk medicine. It encompasses a wide array of tools to bring about a more holisitc mode of healing. If you watch the videos then you will get a good (better than mine:) explanation.
Can you become one with one online class? I doubt it highly but some of us have an inkling of our own abilities already and may find this path to be the one that is best suited to our beliefs and talents. I think that like anything else, finding a live teacher at some point is going to be crucial to moving forward.

I am taking the class because I feel that I was actually already raised in the methods and techniques. Both of my grandmothers had aspects of it and that is how we practiced our Catholicism. While we are not Mexican, we are descended from the Moors who have a heavy influence on curanderismo. And of course being Eastern Right Catholic helps.

I will actually be travelling the first few days of this class but I will do my best to do well until I can come home to a better study environment.