Welcome to my blog:) I hope that today brings you happiness and good health!

Saturday, March 21, 2015


I believe that there are all kinds of healings and the methods that are used to try to direct healing are each to be respected. Infact its all the modes that have always held me fascinated.

Spending time in the garden, taking herbs or taking a walk on the beach are all valid. As is praying in church or meditating alone-turning to a friend or to a shaman/priest/healer-all of interest and all play a role. I think each culture has something to offer and I know that I have not mentioned every single thing available.

This is my personal blog however so lets narrow this down shall we? I personally would not jump from mode to mode to find the answers. While this can be necessary in order to find a good fit, I personally have found that being consistent is actually more powerful in my life than being armed to the teeth with options. I do not and will  not judge others who do so-its just not for me at this time in my life.

For example, I pray. I try to do so all the time. I was raised within a folkloric Catholic household and that included petitions to Saints. I still do this as the need dictates. However, on a daily basis, I stick to talks with what I loosly call God.

I also consider myself a shamanic practitioner who is a Christian. I suspect highly that John the Baptist was a shaman. I am studying the work of Ram Dass because his work has deeply practical applications in real life. And I have reverence for the Medicine Buddah. These are all in my arsenal of healing.

As to herbs-these are a huge part of my life and diet is important. Lifestyle is of great consequence in general so I try to meditate though I am not great at it and my life has not been especially conducive to it of late.  I try to get out in nature which has an instant affect on me. I do art.

And I see a therapist once a month to help me cope with life long anxiety issues. This is important to me as I need the coaching sometimes. Without my therapist, I may not have become brave enough to persue huge change with my vocational rehab counselor who in turn has also been able to help me find my direction. I also would not have been able to fathom such things had it not been  for my shamanic practice and the support of 2 key people within that community.
I am ont really good at seeking support in a community but that is my goal for the rest of the year. To take and to give it. I have been in an isolated place and while it has served its purpose, it has begun to feel permanent.

Some people write blogs about their daily external lives and I intend on doing that to a degree here. However I want to delve a little bit deeper into the spiritual part of life here on this blog-what I term "healing".
So there it is-the premise of the blog titled PrairieRose. Please do comment! I love interaction with readers as much as in real life.


  1. Well, hello there, friend. :)

    I really like the colours you have chosen for this blog - matching it with the Matisse inspired room you painted.

    Healing is a journey, isn't it? Many beginnings and paths but it is up to each of us to find the answer which works.

    1. Thanks Chris
      I enjoy these colors together too:)
      And yes, healing is a very individual process but the main thing is to find out that it works and then to have faith.
