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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Crab Apple Tree and me

Day 20. I have concluded that I can take photos of myself (or have them taken) and not feel shy about sharing them.
I wish that I was actually ready for the photo-I had just finished a sprint/walk around our 2 acres when I decided to hang out at my favorite spot-the crab apple tree. Its a very cool and shaded spot and even on the worst of day of summer heat, its an amazing refuge.  The wind was blowing alot yesterday and I wanted a picture before it blew the blossoms off entirely.

I have wondered for a long time if crab apple was not related to rose. I don't know if you can see close enough if you click but check it out:
The leaves are nearly identical (I know you can't see them) and the flowers are similar to wild (and prairie) rose. Its fruit is similar to rose hips as well.  I know I can look it up-just haven't bothered to yet.

At anyrate, I enjoyed a warm day out in the sunshine-I am avoiding gardening because I want my hands to look marvelous for a job interview tomorrow-so I am using this time to pamper myself a bit. I went through a healing crisis of sorts last week-in a lot more pain than before but its seems to have subsided.

I continue to stick to the program and feel better about it today than I did the day before. Each day brings less challenges and I accept that there will always be something that tempts me away from my own good health.

I hope this post finds you well!


  1. Apparently crab apple is part of the genus Malus, from the rose family - Rosaceae. So there you go! You were right, they are related. Spectacular blooms and gorgeous tree. Thanks for sharing the photo before the blossom danced away on the wind. I like the picture of you and I'm glad you feel comfortable sharing. Great skin for a vintage half-century! Must be all that lovely food you're eating. Keep up the great work and good luck with your interview! Not that you need it. :)

    1. Ha! I knew it. Its amazing how once a person starts to garden its easy to identify related plants though this one is an easy one.
      Thanks re-the skin compliments. I still feel like my skins a bit puffed up but I'm afraid of looking gaunt so trying to accept that its okay to have a fuller face.It fills out the wrinkles!

    2. You actually look like my aunt, when she was younger. I think she might be nearing 70 now? I've always had a fuller face, since I can remember, lol. Moon face, I believe its called. Probably due to the cheeks, inherited from the English side of my family. :)

    3. I will take that as a compliment about your aunt:) I've always had an oval face but its filled out and I can't get used to it. I will have to obviously-but its odd to see it in photos. Its not as full in mirrors.
