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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Day 16

Its been uneventful except that I was craving gum. Infact I have been craving it for awhile which is odd since I rarely actually chew it. Instead of worrying about it, I visit my trusted and lovely spruce tree and take a couple of needles to eat. I don't see things like spruce, pine or other foraged goodies on the no-no list. lol.
The above photo was taken last year-our tree hasn't got its cones yet this year. Its one of my favorite trees and I visit it daily to admire it.

Evergreen needles taste like pine at first but as the flavors develop they end up tasting a bit citrusy to me. Its a lovely taste.

Also, I have cheated and weighed myself because I am sewing and my measurements seemed off the other day-I had to remeasure a couple of times and sure enough, I am dropping some inches. I knew my pants were loose but my bras are too:(
The only part of me not getting smaller actually is my waist!
I have lost 6 lbs! 8 if I consider that I had been working on eating more Paleo for about two weeks prior to seeing my funtional doctor-I had lost 2 lbs before that visit and the Whole 30 diet.

I was doing my walk and sprint routine the other day and ended up pretty sore. To that, add a fall I took because my Dansko shoes-the most comfortable I own-are not flexible enough to handle a rock on the grass. I went forward, broke my fall with my hands and then landed on my knees, not on the grass-that would of been too good. I landed on the gravel path just next to the grass which of course triggered my knee pain. The same day but earlier, I twisted my ankle on a part of the property that has a hidden man made four inch wide ditch.
All up, I have decided  that until I heal a bit from the pain of being battered on Day 14, I will ride my stationary recumbant bike which is not my idea of fun.

It might sound insane considering my pain level and I know its not necessary or even recommended for the Paleo lifestyle-I want to run. I have always been on track team as a youth-I have done alot of cross country too. That was a long time ago but my body seems to be craving this type of action and I am by far a more productive runner than a walker. Walking really does hurt my feet and hips for some reason and running doesn't.

I have asked two of my friends if they would care to try to train for a marathon and both declined-not because they were uninterested but because they couldn't fathom it. One is ill and can't see past her chronic pain which I understand and the other just doesn't want to which is fine.

I miss being a runner. I told myself that if I ever got better I'd take it up running.  That is still a goal for me.

What role does excercise play in your life? Do you do the Grok thing or the more traditional gym rat type of workouts? What do you like to do?


  1. Congratulations on the weight loss and setting new goals. Yes, they're ambitious but I think your body is telling you, its on the cards. Running is the next step.

    My workouts consist of 30 minutes cycling every night, but for my strength exercises and endurance training, I like to dig swales by hand, lol. Not tiny swales, but big ones. ;) I get a great ab workout! I like the theory of Grok, in as much as you do some form of activity every day, not just as a "routine" but as a means of surviving. Mowing the lawn can become a game of endurance, if you can try and increase the speed in which you complete a lap. Or buying a push mower! All these push the physical envelop, and mowing the lawn isn't such a mundane task.

    Which leads to my last point - its got to be fun, and if something stops being fun, switch it for something else. You know, David started push-ups, and when he got comfortable with his performance, he asked the toddler to start sitting on his back. He will lift weights, but then he'll lift the toddler up and down, to make it fun. The beauty is, children grow and so he's upping his strength training accordingly, lol. So yeah, do what's fun and switch things around, make it more challenging if it starts to get boring.

    1. I think that you make some great points regarding exercise-it really does need to be fun and it doesn't need to involve much more than daily tasks if its a concious effort. I happen to love gym rat type of things so it would be what I call fun-however I don't have the time to drive 30 minutes to a gym or any other type of class so I am making due. My running track is the animals paddock for example. I have weights to lift if I want to as well and will add to those as I find them. I prefer to build a home gym actually especially because 6 months out of the year, the outdoors is off limits to a large degree.
      David is lucky to have a toddler around. lol.
      You cycle every night? That is wonderful! Did you have to work your way into the routine by starting smaller?

  2. You know David bought himself a pretty cheap set of interchangeable weights. He sometimes puts a few of them in his knapsack, when he goes for a walk, to add intensity. I just push a pram with a toddler in it, when I'm out walking, lol. Yes, those toddlers are handy. ;)

    Some people struggle with exercise involving just their legs. Because we live on slopes though, I'm always using my legs! I feel the burn, more in my butt than my leg muscles, when I cycle. I also have alternating handle bars on my bike, so I get a little arm movement in too. If I haven't been cycling for a few days, which can sometimes happen if I'm sick or David and I just want to spend an evening or two together, then I start cycling with a slow music CD. The next day, I'll play music with faster music to get more intensity. I like to listening to music when I'm cycling. It helps block out all the house noise, but it also gives me a tempo to stick to.

    Do you listen to music when you go walking/sprinting? I think you have an Ipod, don't you? I only have a CD player, but it works for my exercise bike.

    1. Oh, you cycle outside on a real bike! I thought you meant a stationary one. That is something I can really envy and think would be much more fun than staring at a wall. I don't listen to music while I excercise because I enjoy savoring the mind silence I enter when I do walks or other things but I know others really enjoy the tempo that music adds to the workout.
      When I had my twins, taking them on walks was the best thing ever. My stomach shrank back to size in no time and I was very fit just for being a mom who walked the babies to the park or the store every day. Its the best form of excercise ever!

    2. I can see the confusion I caused now I've re-read my post. I meant I'm always using my legs when I "walk" up and down our slopes, so my legs muscles don't really hurt when I cycle. But when I'm on my exercise bike, it burns my butt muscles. Lol, sorry about that. ;)

      With twins, you have twice the weight to push in the pram - so I can see why you shrank! Doing it every day really helps.

    3. I was in awe of you. I had visions of you BMX-ing across your five acres;) I'm still in awe of you-your commitment to doing the excercise daily is wonderful.
