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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Day 11 and 12

The 11th-
A not so good day-I woke up in a bit more pain than usual which was very discouraging as this way of eating is a last ditch effort before going on some heavy medications.
However, I have a local friend who has been on this diet on and off for Lymes disease. She suggested that perhaps my body was detoxing-I had felt it initially on an emotional level and a pain in collar bone but the way I feel now  is probably more like it. I am a laste bloomer after all!
 I also think that the stress doesn't help-its quite toxic on its own!

My appetite is way down so I am having trouble with eating enough but thats okay too. I think that I have lost some weight but I am not supposed to get on the scale again till day 30.

Day 12-nothing really to report-appetite continues to stagnate.  I ate  small portions yesterday. For dinner I ate a liver, beef and raspberry chilli (God sent this recipe to me.) I chopped lambs liver for this but it calls for ground liver. I had about a two cup serving of a smoothie.  A good breakfast of sauteed greens and hard boiled eggs.

I have an appointment with my jobs counselor this morning and have to do some shopping but I will start today with a bit more of that chilli and hope to be back home in time to eat a good lunch to get back on track here. Even a salad with a protein will do-must stop the smoothie habit!

Cravings of late have been rice. Sweet simple rice. I wonder if I will ever be able to eat it again? I will be reintroducing some foods at the end of this initial period so it will be interesting to see what happens.  I don't seem to be missing breads so much as I thought I would. Dairy isn't a big deal anymore either. Sugary flavors are missed but I can eat dates so its okay now.


  1. I thought of your sore collar bone, when I started to get pains in my neck recently. I couldn't turn my head to the side, without the tendons pulling down my neck. I suspect it had a little to do with the swales I had been digging lately, but I wasn't in pain at the time - it came the next day. I'm glad I didn't have to drive too far, only five minutes up the road to collect Sarah from the bus, because when I had to look sideways for traffic, I was in agony! Thankfully, it only hung around for two days and it has now cleared up.

    But I can certainly believe detoxification can cause some physical side effects, such as you are experiencing.

    I love to eat raw dates too! Majool are my absolute favourties! I also use them in curries, to sweeten them. I hope your appointment with the counsellor goes well, and the pain starts to calm down more. :)

    1. I think alot of detox can be about pain if you are already prone to pain but I'm only guessing. I hope you are feeling better now.
      Majdool are also a favorite of mine and I will add them to curry next time I make it too. Sounds marvelous!
      My appointment went very well-we applied for jobs and I can't believe it but I got a call back for a preliminary interview for a job I never would of applied for on my own because I didn't think I qualified-document handler. But my counselor is really good at assessing what my skills are-I underestimate them. I am nervous as anything but I have till next Wednesday to calm down and practice interview skills!

  2. Its generally 3-4 roughly chopped dates and a pear if I have one. Just adds a lovely "sweet" contrast to the heat of curry.

    Yay, for the interview! That was quick and I wish you all the best in preparing. I get nervous at interviews too. My trick was to tell myself I was suitably qualified, rather having to convince anyone, I was better than the best. If I put pressure on myself to be something I wasn't, I'd feel more nervous. Suitably qualified is still pretty decent. I was also pretty honest that I would need to learn their specific way of doing business, no matter how many suitable skills I already possessed. Employers appreciated that, because they know they don't have to convince you "their" way is the only way. I've gotten every job I applied for, where I attended an interview. I think its because I wasn't overplaying my hand, as if they couldn't pass me up, but more importantly, I was demonstrating the nature of hierarchy was part of my learning process. I wasn't number one, their business was, and without that understanding why would they hire me.

    So when you start giving yourself grief, that you're not good enough or they're going to see right through you, admit that's precisely where you're going to be coming from. You want them to see, there is more for you to learn about their operations, and this is your willingness to apply that. You want them to see you are suitably qualified, but there is also a necessary adaptation/learning process which you are willing to invest in their business, the way THEY do business. No-one trained me to do job interviews like this, I just cannot play a phony baloney and be convincing that I'm anything else. So I attest to my skill set and admit my limitations.

    I think employers can live with those traits, better than someone who plays at over confidence, because the latter tends to shut down communication - not allowing the interviewer the opportunity to showcase what "they're" on about. Its been a long time between job interviews for me though, so this is from past experience. I know you'll find your own way of handling it, without compromising your integrity. I'm really happy for you to make it to this stage. :)

    1. That is excellent advise and it touches at the heart of the matter for me. I grew up in a time (the 80's) where people were heavily invested in embellishing during interviews. I was never comfortable "pretending" so while I can do very well in an interview, I can only be myself. And you are right-I must have the suitable skills if I was called in for a preliminary interview.
      I thought the process was going to take much longer so I was not really prepared for this very postivie response! That took me by surprise so I guess it threw me off my axis. But its all good. I need to the experienc of interviewing regardless of outcome as I am very rusty.
      This interview is being conducted by the employers agent-not the employer. I will use it to get more information as I don't know who it is that is hiring. I feel better with information.
      And yes, I am trainable. Its an entry level job so they expect to train somebody. It could be just what I am looking for. I know that they would be pleased with me should they hire me.

  3. That kind of "selling" of self, was still prevalent in the 90's too. Definitely wasn't my cup of tea either. I know you can do the job diligently! :)
