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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Creating Things

I cannot live without some creative time every single day. I know that some people can't find the time to do things like that but I have found through experience that if I don't make the time I begin to wither away on a soul level.  Here are some of the ongoing things I do:

I got the idea of this weaving from Jude Hill at Spirit Cloth. One day I would like to take a class with her if I can dedicate the time! I also was told by a friend to surround myself with hearts to remind me to come from love at all times-love thy enemy. So I began this project and then put it away because I am inclined to have too many ideas all at once!

For me, creativity means doing something by hand and sometimes I differentiate between art and craft while other times I don't.
I am not sure what this will be….table cloth? Curtain? Blanket? For whom? But I did like the idea of the colors and I adore working with thread. However as it gets bigger, the rows get longer and I get more impatient so I am trying to work through that!

And then there is the "paint/draw in 20 minutes or less" idea that I launched over the last few weeks. I have had a very hard time getting back into art since both my dad and my husband have nearly died in the last months but I am trying to at least do something every couple of days. I have focused on trying to get more and more abstract:

The colors on this are not accurate and no, its not finished. Watercolor ground with pastels. I have enjoyed thinking about birch trees lately-we drove around the state last week and into Chicago where birch trees are ancient and abundant. I was able to observe them by walking among them in the park district of that city where I think they might be under appreciated.

I will not have time for a few days to create unless I steal a few moments and I will be doing that. Its that important to me.
Have you taken time to create? What are you working on?


  1. I'm happy to see so many projects are available for you to tinker with, when time permits. I crocheted a big double-bed blanket in my twenties, and I know what you mean about the repetition. The bigger it gets, the more mind-numbing it becomes to stay focused. Instead of doing one big round, I found I kept with it longer if I completed one side only, rounding the next corner, then putting it down. When I tried to complete a whole round I was mentally exhausted, and wouldn't touch it again for ages!

    Because I wanted a rectangle shape for the bed, instead of a square, I crocheted and sewed a length of Granny Squares to go top and bottom, which also broke up the monotony of repetitious rounds. Of course, when I had to do four more rounds to tidy the edges, it felt like forever! The pride you feel whenever you see it in use though, tends to make all those tedious hours disappear. I think I still have that blanket, which tends to come out in winter.

    Congratulations on sticking with your art. I like how your picture is developing. I haven't done any more since my cockatoos and they're still not finished. I'm pouring my creativity in my every day tasks instead. It's not the same thrill as doing pictures, but it dips into my creative stores nonetheless. Was it Albert Einstein who said, creativity is intelligence at play? I read that somewhere recently but can't remember where.

    1. Chris, it feels good to be creating again-even in little spurts. For a while, I felt that it was bad luck-each time I tried to take the time for art, something bad would happen (seemingly). I began that heart just before I had my cancer diagnosis if you can believe it. I was cleaning out my pile of "stuff" when I came across it again and thought I should finish it.
      I actually started out the crochet with a lacy motif-I made three. This was the kind that need to be crocheted together as you go…and I hated the process so I decided to crochet rounds around the three which formed a rectangle. its a great shape! I think that I have determined to make it a baby blanket and put it aside for my future grandchildren. That means I have to make another one to make sure both of my own have one for theirs. But at least I avoid longer rows! Good!
