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Friday, April 17, 2015

Whole 30 begins tomorrow

As the title suggests, I will be starting the Whole 30 diet tomorrow. I saw the functional medicine doctor two days ago and he convinced me to prepare for the diet so that I don't end up starving myself like I always do when I try to do something this drastic.
I have no issues with will power so I will starve rather than eat the wrong thing.  I have tried in my busy life to get all the foods  that I need for a few days and to take mental notes of the foods that are around that are off limits. I'm drinking my last cup of coffee with cream and maple syrup until further notice as I type. I can drink coffee but only black which might mean that I will forgo it. I don't know yet.

As to the medication, I do have a lower dosage but because we are trying to figure out what foods are the irritants I have decided to wait until I get some results from the diet before trying out the medication.  That one higher dose that I took at the last writing literally only wore off yesterday-the pain began to set in suddenly in the evening!

One of the things about the doctor was that he was able and willing to look past the Fibromyalgia diagnosis to try to get to the core of the problem. He asked me lots of questions, including ones pertaining to emotional reactions to my health history. I wasn't entirely comfortable admitting to not being as strong on the inside as I have pretended to be over the years but it had to be done.

From previous medical tests and records, we know that I was diagnosed with "mild Hashimotos" which is an auto immune disease that targets the thyroid. We know I am hypothyroid and we know that I have a nodule on said thyroid-which is being watched.

And this is the focus right now. What it means to be on Whole 30 is to be on a Paleo type diet but with more restrictions initially-no almond crusted, honey drizzled fruit tarts for example:( , no grains and no pseudo grains. For 30 Days a person avoids processed foods so very little convenience type of snacks. Its quite strict.

But what it means to have Hashimotos is no grains. Period. For life. I have not looked at the full diet but fellow knitter on ravelry talked about having this disease and I always was afraid I did too because of how strict she had to be with her diet.
Ah well…..its just food.

At any rate, I begin tomorrow, and will endeavor to post my experience and foods just to keep track and keep me inspired. I will need support. I will need ideas for cooking or life stories regarding any of the topics in this post.
Inspire me!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris, not rice. No grains at all, not even the pseudo grains. I think that I can have the seeds in your recipe with moderation but I will check to see.
    The thing with this diet that makes it so hard is that they don't allow for paleo-fied foods such as pancakes made with coconut flour even though coconut flour is allowed to dredge meat with. Its about changing food habits. Whole foods only for the duration.
    I saw a tortilla made out of plaintains that I will try out though. Its savory. I'm not missing sweets as much as I am missing eating a certain way so far. Might sound odd.Doctor said to not go for perfect. He had a patient come in at the end of the diet and he had eaten only nuts and dried fruits the whole time because it was easier not to think about making mistakes that way! lol.
