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Saturday, April 4, 2015

Perpetual Onions

These spring onion roots were replanted in our kitchen in Chicago a couple of years ago as an experiment because I had read that they will regrow up to 5 times. I think that most grew 3 times in the planter and one grew 4 and another 5 times.  Not bad.

Ever since then, I have grown spring onions in this way. I buy them in a store and cut off the roots and replant them. I do this because I have poor luck with onion seeds.

I will be using some older photos for a few posts as somehow, I have lost a set of rechargable batteries so had to remove them from my camera to use on my keyboard. I will have to purchase more rechargeables next time I am in town.
Still catching up after being away for a week so bare with me please:)


  1. That's a nifty trick! I don't have much luck with onions either. I think I tend to drown them and get fungal problems.

    1. They definitely dislike too much water! I no longer try to grow yellow onions because its hard to get the water just right for them. This is a nice easy way as is the walking onion I found growing on this land.
