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Monday, April 20, 2015

Day 2 of the Whole 30 diet

I struggled a bit yesterday.  I had focused on buying the same amount of vegetables and meats that we buy for our regular diet and thought that this would be adequate. It nearly was but not quite enough.
Added to that, I don't like to eat 3 times a day. Twice a day with snacks is good for me.

But I am still working on rethinking that-this diet is supposed to be about change not compromise so I am trying very hard to do it the way its meant to be done.

Breakfast: curried vegetables, poached eggs and an orange
Lunch: left over soup and a hard boiled egg with an almond stuffed date appetizer (not sure if that was acceptable or not)
Dinner: Cashew chicken stir fry

I am sick of eggs though in trying to be positive, I do appreciate them a lot.

Yesterday, I felt absolutely awful. I was crying all day on and off and yet didn't really feel depressed, just sad. My body ached in places it has never ached before-my collar bones for Gods sake! My neighbor came over to cheer me up and in relaying all of this to her I realize it was what the doctor warned me about.
 I don't feel especially excited about anything so I am trying to find things that interest me in order to do them, as a distraction but also in the hopes that "desire" will return by way of accomplishment and ideas.

I am sewing a dress. Issues with my current wardrobe vs. my job search have come up but I will write this on the other blog in the next day or so. I have a handful of apple wood disks that I will carve into rings. Finally going out to get a general survival knife from the hunting store today. I have decided that all women should have one.
I will write about things as I get excited about them. Not going to turn this blog into a "what I ate today" blog entirely as I don't actually sit around dreaming about food preparation all day.

Day three begins now.


  1. I wonder if the ache in the collar bone is related to the Hashimotos? I know it has to do with the immune system attacking the thyroid which is located around the neck area. I get the major agros when I have to go on a strict diet. This is why I don't attempt it if I know the kids are going to be around (ie: holidays). Not that they are particularly bad kids, they're mostly well behaved, I just don't like to subject them to my agros if I can avoid it. If I could lock myself in a cave for a week I would, lol.

    But it is worth it when the changes start to turn your health around.

    I think with eggs, the trick is to change the flavours around, so they don't get too repetitive. I personally love eggs and would eat them all the time if our hens obliged us with that many! We're looking at getting a couple of new layers, so we can up the egg count. I love fried eggs with fried bacon and slices of fresh avocado on the side. Even fried mushrooms if I have them too. I know what you mean about running out of healthy food. We couldn't afford it, so that's why I resorted to eating less necessary calories elsewhere. That's why I'm cracking on the vege patch, to see if I can change that. Probably won't be eating anything from it, for at least a month (minimum) and up to six months later.

    But I figure I do what I can, as I'm sure you're doing as well. Make progress as is humanely possible, then forgive the rest until you can change more. :)

    1. Chris, right now, the theory of all my aches and pains being fibromyalgia is being challenged heavily as fibro doesn't have any lab tests to prove it even exists. Its a blanket diagnosis for most of us with it. But Hashimotos can have the same symptoms as fibromyalgia so you could be right about the collar bone being close to the thyroid. I also have a nodule on the thyroid (getting a followup ultrasound today actually) so it could be that. Or it could be plain pain from being older in the rainy season and trying to garden.
      It was still an odd pain since I do chop wood alot and that part of my body isn't out of shape really. The good thing is that its gone!
      I actually began to feel better yesterday in some ways. My mood began to improve a bit. I also feel less overall fatigue. They say it takes 2 weeks but each of us is different so I beleive that I might have begun to move past an initial crisis. Regarding sugar though, I feel like I did emotionallly when I quite smoking-that is very very lonely.
      I love your ideas for eggs. I do like them but it gets tedious. Yet I can't think of a nicer protein really.
      Yes, we do what we can.
      I think I will grow cauliflower. I wanted one yesterday but it was around 3.50 a head. What insanity is that?
