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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Day 4-Recommendations vs. Rules

I have been reading bits and pieces about the Whole 30 diet because I don't have any of the books. The idea of eating 3 meals a day sounded easy enough-I thought that I would be freed from being in the kitchen making snacks for one thing.
As it is so far though, eating 3 large meals a day is not something that I enjoy doing as it gives me stomach issues. Not upset stomach so much as the feeling of being way too full all the time.  I am not talking about being satisified so much as having the feeling of too much food sitting in the digestive tract.
I am taking probiotics so that is one thing and I am awaiting the arrival of a couple of other supplements I had to order online to help my stomach lining so that is another.
But yesterday, I had to decide to eat less. I ate 2 large meals-one in the morning, one in the evening. I ended the day with a handful of nuts because I did feel satisfied by dinner but got a little hungry just before bed.

And I woke up feeling full.

So reading about the recommendation to eat 3 large meals and no snacks, the keyword is "recommendation" as opposed to "rule". I  will be on the run a bit of this morning so I will have a good breakfast before I go. I will then endeavor to pack a small meal for lunch and then resume a dinner.
Tomorrow however, I am going to try to do mini meals if I have the time as I will be home.

For a snack to be approved it has to be a mini meal-a protein and a vegetable. Not just an apple or a few carrot sticks. That is the information that I was missing.
I do believe that having 3 meals a day will be ideal for me once my stomach is in good shape and it will be convenient if I do land a job so that will be a goal but for somebody like me, its just too much food all at once. I do have a shorter colon after all!

In other news….I bought a knife! I will write about it soon-I need to play with it a little first. I also just need to hem the dress I was sewing and it will be a finished project.


  1. Its good to know when you should be more flexible, especially considering the changes to your anatomy a few years back. I've noticed since I've cut the carbohydrate content of my meals down, I've been needing less insulin, which reduces my hunger. Anyway, have fun playing with your new gadget. :)

    1. Thats great news for you. I think that these diets need to be tailored to each of our needs but usually I will work my way out of the parameters so I am trying to not make excuses this time around even though its tempting;)
